What do you need to know?
Enrolment and orientation are an opportunity to get to know each child and their family. They also enable families to become familiar with the service, educator, program, expectations, and the coordinators.
Taking care of practical things like nappies and clothes labels the night before (or earlier) will reduce the stress of trying to get out the door. This means you can focus on your child and how they’re feeling on child care mornings. If your morning at home is calm, you’re both more likely to be calm when you say goodbye.
When it’s time to go, let your child know you’re going and when you’ll be back. Give your child a hug and a kiss, say goodbye to your child’s educator and leave promptly. This makes it easier for your child to settle down with their educator.
All children need to arrive to Preschool by 9am to ensure that they make the most of the program. Children that arrive late miss out on fun activities, interrupt others from learning, and have to catch up on what has already happened during the day. If you know you are going to be late, please have the courtesy to contact the centre to let us know. The carpark gate will be locked from 9am, parents will need to call the centre to enter the premises. Please note that according to our Arrival and Departure Policy, children will not be accepted if they arrive after 9am.
Children are encouraged to wash their hands:
When they arrive at the service
Before and after eating and any handling of food, including cooking activities.
After having their nappy changed, as their hands may become contaminated while they are on the change mat.
After going to the toilet.
After contact with nasal or salivary secretions.
After coming in contact with urine, faeces, vomit, blood or other bodily fluids.
Parents/carers are encouraged to wash their hands on arrival and departure of the service.
Your child needs to have a hat at the centre at all times. It should cover their face, neck, and ears. Baseball caps are not appropriate. Their clothing should cover the shoulders and neck area. Please apply sunscreen to your child in the morning and we will reapply it throughout the day. Due to the risk of cross contamination the centre is not able to lend hats to children who have forgotten their hats. Our policy is no hat play in shade! ELC hats are available for purchase from our office.
Children should be dressed in clothing that is appropriate for the weather and allows them to move freely and comfortably and participate in experiences.
The design and fit of their clothes and accessories may affect your child’s safety during passive and active play. For example, long hems may cause tripping, and items such as necklaces, toggles on hats, drawstrings on jumpers and ribbons may become caught in equipment.
All children should bring a bag to the centre that contains a spare change of clothing. Please ensure that all your child’s belongings are clearly labeled with their name and that no expensive or fragile items are brought into the centre. This avoids disappointment if a toy is lost or broken. Please leave weapon toys, such as guns and swords at home. These toys promote violence and will not be permitted at the centre. If needed parents will be contacted to provide the required clothing articles if your child is sent to the centre without spare clothes in their bag.
Please ensure your child is sent to the centre with the correct footwear. Your children have growing feet and their footwear should cater for comfort and safety, not fashion. Thongs, Ugg Boots & high heels are not appropriate or permitted. Parents will be contacted to provide alternate shoes if your child is sent to the centre wearing inappropriate/unsafe shoes.
All accidents that occur at the centre are documented and are reported to families. We encourage children to let us know if they have been hurt. Parents will be notified by phone if a serious accident occurs.
All children are encouraged to rest and respect others by being quiet during this time. No child will be forced to sleep and children cannot be kept from sleeping if they are tired. Please feel free to provide a soft toy or small pillow for your child for rest time. Rest time usually lasts for 1.5 hours. We kindly ask that any rest time item brought to the centre, such as a small pillow or blanket be placed in a labeled fabric bag so it can be kept clean in your child’s locker. Plastic bags are not appropriate as they are a choking hazard.
The children’s sleeping habits are recorded each day and will be available to be viewed in the ‘Routines’ section of your child’s Storypark account.
Red Nose - Safe Sleeping
It is important that parents understand the exclusion policy of our centre and comply with it. This policy asks parents to keep their children at home if they are ill or have a contagious condition. This helps to protect the health and safety of everyone who attends or visits our service. The policy applies to all contagious illnesses and conditions including head lice and chicken pox. Children that have been sent home sick must provide a Medical Certificate on their next attendance as clearance to return to care at the centre.
Please do not send children to the centre if you know they are sick.
NSW Health - Stopping the spread of childhood infections factsheets
Every family should have their scheduled days of attendance for each week. Please remember that these days are not transferable to swap or change due to holidays, sickness, or a special event. Permanent changes can be made where possible by completing the form below.