What does your child needs to bring?
A small bag that your child can comfortably carry & that fits into the centre lockers.
A spare change of clothes for all weather types, including underpants.
A photo of your family that we will display in your child’s room encouraging a sense of belonging & community.
Parents are welcome to bring in a bulk amount of nappies and wipes to last for a couple of weeks.
The children’s nappy changes are recorded each day and will be available to be viewed in the ‘Routines’ section of your child’s Storypark account.
A sun safe hat that fits your child’s head, providing cover to their face, neck & shoulders. The hat needs to be brought to the centre each day your child attends, as they cannot be stored at the centre.
Please ensure that all strings are removed from your child’s hat due to the risk of injury eg. strangulation or choking.
A news item that can be brought in on your child’s scheduled news day. Eg. A toy, book, or photo.
A plastic cup (to remain at the centre). No water bottles please.
A piece of fruit (each day), these will be cut up and shared amongst all the children.
A security item, such as a teddy bear or soft toy (only if needed).
A fabric bag with small pillow or blanket.