Waiting List Form There is no deposit required to apply for the centre’s waiting list. Please complete a new form for each child. CHILD'S INFORMATION * Child's Name First Name Last Name Date Of Birth * MM DD YYYY Child's Gender * Female Male Does your child have any additional needs or require extra support? * Yes No If yes, please provide more information: Family Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country PARENT/GUARDIAN INFORMATION * Name of Parent 1 First Name Last Name Are you currently: * Working Seeking Work Studying Days and hours of work/study (if applicable) * Please include occupation & name of employer Email * Mobile * (###) ### #### Name of Parent 2 * First Name Last Name Are you currently? * Working Seeking Work Studying Days and hours of work/study (if applicable) * Please include occupation & name of employer Email * Mobile * (###) ### #### ATTENDANCE INFORMATION * Preferred Start Date MM DD YYYY Attendance days required (minimum 2 days): * Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Are these days flexible? * Yes No Requested Room: * Rosella Room 2-3 years Sugar Glider Room 3-4 years Green Tree Frog Room 3.5-5 years What year are you intending to send your child to primary school? * DECLARATION * I /We hereby request that the above named applicant be admitted to The Ponds Early Learning Centre Wait List. I/We have read the Procedure for Admission to the Wait List provided with this application for enrolment and by completing this form consent to this written agreement with The Ponds Early Learning Centre. I/We understand that enrolments are offered equitably with each enrolment being assessed through an application and interview/orientation process conducted by the Director or delegated ELC educator. Centre visits/tours are conducted by appointment only pending the availability of placements at the centre. I/We understand that the centre implements fixed attendance patterns to ensure equal access to care across the week, as indicated below: -2 day placements to be offered primarily on a Monday/Tuesday -3 day placements to be offered primarily on a Wednesday/Thursday /Friday -Any reductions from a 4/5 day placement throughout the year will need to adopt the 2 or 3 set days as indicated above. I accept the above declaration. Date Form was Completed: * MM DD YYYY Thank you!We have recieved your waiting list form application and will be in touch soon.Please note that there are currently limited vacancies at the centre and a high demand for placements. Centre tours will be offered by appointment only and pending an available position.The Ponds ELC