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Life Education Incursion - Healthy Harold

The Healthy Harold Early Years Learning Program supports children’s learning and development to live a safe and healthy life. The play-based incursion is fun, interactive and designed to help build healthy, safe and mentally resilient little people. The program is designed for children aged 3-5 years.

Module: Harold’s Big Feelings

Harold's Big Feelings is one of Life Ed’s new programs supporting preschool children to build social and emotional wellbeing skills and knowledge. The program is targeted at 3-5-year-old children and focuses on emotional literacy, emotional regulation, friendship and connection and help seeking.

The interactive session includes a new book featuring Australian illustrations, storytelling, music and songs that help children learn about health, safety and emotional wellbeing through the opportunity to engage in play-based, fun and hands on learning experiences.

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27 January

Australia Day Public Holiday

17 March

Harmony Week